Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Good Bye Coach Nick

I know I have blogged about this in the past, that Maddie has been in gymnastics ever since she was 22 months old. First we started off at Tiny Totts, then she moved up to Kids Gym, and now she's about to move up to Kids Gym 2. She loves it and it has been apart of our routine for a long time now. Coach Nick has been Maddie's coach this whole time and he is great with the kids and the whole time we have been at ASI, he has never missed a class. We were thrilled when a couple of weeks ago, he mentioned that he wanted to move her up to Kids Gym 2.

Last week however, he came up to me and told me he would be changing Gyms. The words "OH NO!" just bursted out of my mouth without even thinking about it. Then I immediately retracted what I said with a more positive "congratulations". It turns out he will be moving the Lake Highlands Gym, on Forest and Greenville, then eventually go on to manage a new Gym in Huston. We are happy for him (by we I mean me, because I haven't told Maddie yet.) But sad to have to be changing coaches after being with him for so long. I guess all people move on eventually. I took my camera today to get some last few shots of Maddie and Nick. We don't know exactly when he will be leaving, but it will be within the next couple of weeks. There is a waiting list for the other coach we want, so I might take Maddie to the Lake Highlands Gym until there is an opening. We will see.

We were very late as usual, so she had her hardy breakfast of cereal bar (organic from Sprouts at least) juice and yogurt.

They had a couple of helpers today. Probably for training.

Standing on one leg

Right after ringing the bell

Maddie needs lots of assistance on the cheese Matt.

Maddie and Coach Nick.

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