I am pleased to announce the new photo-blog/website for my photography business. I have been very blessed that my little business is growing steadily over the past few months. Since I haven't been working outside of the home, I have been really been able to kick in into high gear. I have bought some new equipment that I have been DYING to have and my goal will to be LLC within the next year. It is a tough market out there for photographers, but I think I have been doing well for myself, and I have been very happy with the work I have been giving. At least my Art degree is helping me out a little! I hope everyone is able to take a look at it, because honestly, I have been working on it for over a WEEK! all day long! Poor Maddie probably feels neglected! I pretty much taught myself how to use I know how to use Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom, but Adobe Illustrator, is something different all together, used mainly for graphic designers, but I am so proud to have taught myself how to do a few tricks to make my website look more legit. So, PLEASE take a look, even if its just to look at the hard work I put into it! Ha!
I am proud of this little endeavor and I hope I can keep it running until I decided I don't want to do it anymore.
or click the link to the left that says Tara Edwards Photography.
What Is Rated Voltage
3 months ago
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