First off, I will start with two new things Reese has done. First-SHE ROLLED OVER! yay! ha. Yes. She is 7 months old and has just now rolled over. Like Maddie, I have never been concerned about not reaching this mile stone most children reach as early as 3months. My girls never seem to be interested in being on their tummy's. I do see how this could be a concern, but they did move around on their play mat every time I put them down. They were also reaching other mile stones like sitting up etc... Maddie didn't care to roll over until after she started crawling. Reese did it for a different reason.
The other day, I just had a lot going on and I was trying to buy some time before Reese's last feeding and bed time, so I put her down to play on her play mat. I knew she was very tired already so I didn't sit her up. By doing this and walking out of sight made Reese SO mad! I guess she wanted to show me who was in charge because Maddie came in to my room shouting that Reese had just rolled over all by herself. I was skeptical at first. I rolled her back and a few minutes later she got mad again and rolled over a second time. I was there to witness that one. She did it one more time after that, and then I picked her up to get ready for bed. She hasn't done it since, but I bet that if I lay her down and she gets real mad, she may do it again.
Another first for Reese is she learned how to blow raspberries. Its very cute to see her expressions when shes doing it.
We also had Baby Dedication Sunday. I love this Sunday. Its such a special time for the new babies and their families. Reese did well on stage, no melt-downs to that was great. Sunday mornings are always tough. If she doesn't fall asleep in my arms, she winds up missing two naps by the time we get home after lunch. Sometimes we don't even make it to lunch. But she did great and it all went well.
A first for Maddie this past week was her preschool graduation. The program was adorable, the 4's were Who's from Whoville. I did shed a few tears during the graduation/end of year slide show. She did so well performing and then going up on stage to receive her diploma. She had a blast. We've been talking a lot about her new school and Kindergarten, so I hope it will be a smooth transition when the time comes. I enrolled her in the G.O. summer camp this summer to get one last time there with some old friends.
Maddie also had her last day of preschool this week. On Tuesday they had Fun in the Sun day which the kids always look forward to. I got to sub that day and It was fun being there with her one last time on such a fun day.
I loved having Ms. Dina and Ms. Robyn as her teachers!
I'm glad I still have another baby to hold on to that hopefully will also be making her way through G.O. like her big sister did. I know we have all been greatly blessed by this preschool. Now, If i can just learn the ropes of "big kid school" we will be in good shape.
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