Not a whole lot of changes since last month. I'm guessing she weighs close to 18lb's now. She's still in size 3 diapers, but it looks like she will be out of those pretty soon. I just bought a huge box of diapers and I'm contemplating exchanging them for a size 4 because I don't think they will last. She is in size 6-9 month clothes and also 9-12 depending on the cut and brand.
Reese is sitting up all by herself now and only occasionally when she's trying to reach for something she falls over.
Her schedule is also more predictable now, which for me is a little easier to plan my day. She takes 3 naps a day, averaging to about an hour each. Sometimes one will be a really long nap like 1.5hrs +, then the other 2 will be shorter. She sleeps about 13hrs at night, going to bed at 7:00 pm and wakes up between 7:30-8:00. But that also all depends on how well she sleeps at night. Lately she hasn't been sleeping so soundly because shes teething. These past few nights Ive been getting up repeatedly to give her more Motrin, teething tables and her pacifier.
Reese continues to be a cuddle bug. But it is becoming increasingly difficult to get her to go to sleep in my arms when we are out somewhere when its nap time, like church or mom-to-mom etc... She's too distracted with everything else. She LOVES her bed. When its bed time, I hold her and giver her a pacifier and a little stuffed giraffe she cuddles with. She will grab on to the giraffe and lay on me for a minute till I lay her down. She will usually play or talk to herself for a little bit, then lay on her side and fall asleep. Its the cutest thing.
Reese has reached a really fun age. She loves to play, loves sitting in her bouncer/exsersaucer and loves to play with Maddie. Maddie will jump up and down and make silly faces at Reese, and Reese will belly laugh at her. Its so funny.
Reese is also loving solids. The two new ones I have given her is papaya and squash. But her favorites still seem to be the combo of avocado and banana. I still only feed her once a day. I'm hopping this summer when our schedule is a little less crazy I will be able to get on a good feeding schedule for Reese. (I'm referring only to solids. I do feed my child. Clearly.)
Another first: Reese got her first bad rash/allergy attack the other day. I have no idea why or how it happened, but we were outside, then all of a sudden her right eye got real red and watery and itchy, then the whole right side of her face got red and splotchy. I still have no idea how or why happened, but I can only assume it was something in the air that must have bothered her. Thank goodness it hasn't happened again. But thanks to an after-hours call to Dr. Kellum, I will now be prepared with the amount of Benadryl I can give her if I have to.
Keeping these stickers on is becoming increasingly difficult.
Loves Sister!
LOVES bath time!
6.5 month photo
So cute! LOVE the pearls:)